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Information regarding pesticides that may be used during treatment, as well as general safety and precautionary notices are listed below. Products from the list below will only be used if they are registered for use in your particular state. Upon completion of your service, you will receive a full list of the specific products that were used at your property. A copy of the label(s) and safety data sheets for the pesticide(s) used shall be available to the customer, if requested. They can also be obtained digitally at the following link:

Pesticides That May Be Used:
General Precautions Note: Please keep all pets, birds, children, and other individuals away from these areas until they are dry, and cover or remove any fish or reptile aquariums, along with any bird cages, from any room where treatment is requested.

Advion WDG

Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Keep people and pets away from treated areas until treatment has dried. Avoid breathing dust, vapor, or spray mist. Remove pets, birds, and over fish aquariums before making applications. 

Advion Ant Gel Bait

Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not touch.

Advion Cockroach Bait Arena

Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow children or pets to play with bait stations. Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not touch.

Allure Stored Product Moth Kit

Active Ingredient: Z-9, E-12-Tetradecadien-1-yl acetate
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray. Do not allow children or pets to play with stations.

Altosid ProG IGR

Active Ingredient: (S)-Methoprene
Label instructions/precautions: None stated.

Archer IGR

Active Ingredient: Pyriproxyfen
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not allow adults, children, or pets to contact treated surfaces until the area treated has completely dried. Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist during application. Remove pets, birds, and over fish aquariums before making applications.

Bifen L/P Granules

Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not touch.

Bifen I/T

Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not allow contact with treated surfaces by people or pets before spray has dried. Thoroughly wash dishes and food handling utensils with soap and water if they become contaminated by application. Remove pets, birds, and over fish aquariums before making applications.

Contrac Bulk Pellets

Active Ingredient: Bromadiolone
Label instructions/precautions: Do not expose children, pets, or non-target animals to rodenticides. Do not allow children or pets to play with bait station(s). Do not touch.

D-Fense SC

Active Ingredient: Deltamethrin
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not allow people, children or pets to enter the treated area until surfaces are dry. Remove or tightly cover fish tanks and disconnect aerators during application.

EcoVia MT

Active Ingredient: Soybean Oil, Clove Oil, Citronella Oil, 20Phenylethyl propionate, Lemongrass oil
Label instructions/precautions: Clean up residual product to diminish scent if needed. If overspray occurs simply rinse with water and wipe off with a clean cloth. Do not allow persons or pets to contact until dry.

EcoVia WD

Active Ingredient: Thyme Oil, 2-Phenethyl Propionate
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid breathing dust. Do not touch. Exposed food, food processing surfaces, and utensils should be covered or removed during treatment. Clean up residual product to diminish scent.


Active Ingredient: Fipronil
Label instructions/precautions: DO NOT allow residents, children, or other persons, or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until cleanup is completed. DO NOT allow people or pets to contact the treated surface until the residue is dry.

Generation Mini Blocks

Active Ingredient: Difethialone
Label instructions/precautions: Do not expose children, pets, or non-target animals to rodenticides. Do not allow children or pets to play with bait station(s). Do not touch.

Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Device

Active Ingredient: (S)- Hydroprene
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow children or pets to play with bait stations. Do not touch.

Intice 10

Active Ingredient: Orthoboric Acid
Label instructions/precautions: Label instructions/precautions: Keep children and pets out of the treatment area until application has been completed. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not touch. For treatments within indoor settings, clean up and remove any product remaining outside of cracks and crevices.

Invade Hot Spot

Active Ingredient: Water, anionic surfactants, foam stabilizers, natural citrus oil, natural, non-pathogenic Bacillus spores, and propellant.
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid breathing spray mist. Do not touch until dry.

Inzecto Mosquito Trap

Active Ingredient: Permethrin, Pyriproxyfen
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow children or pets to touch device(s). Do not breathe the vapor and avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.

Niban Granular Bait

Active Ingredient: Orthoboric Acid
Label instructions/precautions: Keep children and pets out of the treatment area until application has been completed. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not touch. Any bait visible after application must be brushed into cracks and crevices or removed.


Active Ingredient: Lambda-Cyhalothrin
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Keep children and pests off treated areas until spray has dried following the application. Cover or remove fish and/or reptile tanks before application. Remove all utensils, uncovered foodstuffs (or any having the original package opened), and shelf paper before making application in food storage areas. Food must be covered or removed in the area being treated. Any food items accidentally contaminated with a treatment solution should be destroyed.

Precor IGR

Active Ingredient: (S)-Methoprene
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not allow unprotected persons, children, or pets into the treatment area until treatment is complete. Do not allow people, children or pets to enter the treated area until surfaces are dry.

Provoke Mouse Monitoring Gel

Active Ingredient: N/A; Non-Toxic
Label instructions/precautions: None disclosed

PT Alpine Flea & Bed Bug

Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran, Pyriproxyfen, Prallethrin
Label instructions/precautions: Cover aquariums and fish bowls and remove birds from the area prior to treating. Vacate areas to be treated, and DO NOT reoccupy or contact treated surfaces until dry. In the home, cover or remove exposed food in the treatment area prior to application. Cover all food processing surfaces and utensils in the treatment area or thoroughly wash them before use.

PT Alpine Fly Bait

Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran, N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-(tetrahydro-3-furanyl) methylguanidine
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow children or pets to touch bait placement.

PT Alpine Wasp Freeze II

Active Ingredient: Prallethrin
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing.

PT Pro-Control Plus

Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not enter the treated area(s) until sprays have dried and have been thoroughly ventilated. Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water, in the treatment area, before application. Remove or cover dishes, utensils, food processing equipment and food preparation surfaces, in the treatment area, or wash them before use. Cover or remove all exposed food in the treatment area. Cover all food preparation surfaces and utensils, in the treatment area, or wash thoroughly before use. Remove pets and birds, cover and turn off fish aquariums before spraying. Turn off air flow systems in aquariums.

Recruit AG Flex Pack Termite Bait

Active Ingredient: Noviflumuron
Label instructions/precautions: Keep out of reach of children.

Recruit HD Termite Bate

Active Ingredient: Noviflumuron
Label instructions/precautions: Keep out of reach of children.

Rescue Disposable Yellow Jacket Trap

Active Ingredient: 2-Methyl-1-butanol
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow children or pets to play with bait station(s). Do not touch.


Active Ingredient: Iron Phosphate
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not touch.

Taurus SC - NY

Active Ingredient:
Label instructions/precautions: Do not allow residents, children, other people or pets into the treatment area until sprays have dried. Cover or remove all exposed food, feed and drinking water. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Do not breathe spray mist. Do not allow people or pets to contact contaminated areas or to reoccupy contaminated areas of the structure until cleanup is completed if leaks of deposition from application are found.  Doors and windows adjacent to the application site must be closed during surface application.

Web Out

Active Ingredient: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Thyme Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Citronella
Label instructions/precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Do not touch. If on skin, wash well with water. If inhaled, move to fresh air; seek medical attention if necessary.

Products from the list above will only be used if they are registered for use in your particular state.

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